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5 Tips on Hiring the Right Staff for Your Small Business in Singapore




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  Reading time 10 minutes

As a small business in Singapore, you understand the importance of assembling a talented and dedicated team that aligns with your company’s vision and values. However, navigating the hiring process can be a daunting task, especially considering the unique dynamics of the Singaporean job market. 

This article aims to provide you with five essential tips to help you hire the right staff in Singapore for your small business. From understanding the specific hiring practices in Singapore to identifying the qualities and skills that make for exceptional employees, we’ll delve into the intricacies of building a top-performing team. So, if you’re eager to enhance your small business’s capabilities by recruiting the best talent that Singapore has to offer, join us as we explore invaluable insights and strategies to streamline your hiring process and secure the best staff in Singapore.

One might not give hiring in Singapore much thought, especially if the business is tiny and can be managed by you and some of your family members from time to time. But as you expand, you’ll eventually need the extra hands — especially in the day-to-day operations. Even if you don’t need to expand your workforce immediately, keeping these tips in mind will be useful, particularly if you require someone immediately.

Here are our 5 tips to hiring the best candidate:

Determine if you need a Freelancer or an Employee

Before you start hiring in Singapore, first you have to evaluate whether your business needs someone temporarily to fill a position or a full-time employee.

In some situations, hiring a freelancer or independent contractor can give your small business more leeway and meet your business’s immediate demands. They also tend to be more cost-effective than full-time employees because they won’t require training since they are already skilled to do the task you need done. Also, you would only have to pay for their labour, leaving out benefits and insurance that typical full-time employees enjoy. If an independent contractor consistently produces work that you are happy with, you can choose to hire them on a full-time basis.

If you are looking for someone who can be more available and can take on heavier responsibilities, a full-time employee is what you’ll want. Unlike freelancers who might be working for multiple clients at once, full-time employees only work for you, giving you more control over their workload.

Attend Job Fairs

One great tip for hiring employees for your small business is to participate in job fairs as they are the ideal places to look for potential talent. These events usually are packed with fresh graduates and career shifters eager to land a job.

Companies interested in participating in job fairs don’t typically have to invest in setting up a large, expensive stall. Job fairs have spaces where companies can reserve and set up a table and standees where they can post their company logo. Some companies even do on-the-spot interviews during the fair and hire talents right then and there if they are the right fit.

Consider Hiring Foreign Workers

If you are struggling to find local talents for your small business in Singapore, employing skilled foreign workers can be something you could look into. Some foreign workers have specific skills and experiences that you can’t find in your local hiring pool and can potentially give your business the edge it needs to stay competitive.

Hiring a foreign national can be tricky, especially as a small business in Singapore. There are different requirements businesses would need to comply with if they want to hire a foreign worker like the work pass. You can read our article on the different types of work passes in Singapore and how to get them if you want to learn more about them.

Not sure how to acquire an employment pass in Singapore? We at Lanturn can help you! We can counsel you regarding Singapore’s immigration regulations and offer other immigration services that suit your needs. Let Lanturn assist you in determining which Singapore work pass is best for your overseas personnel.

Check out the Lanturn’s post showing the benefits of immigrating to Singapore and becoming a permanent resident there.


Another small business hiring tip you should take into consideration is outsourcing. By outsourcing, you can conserve valuable business resources by hiring an outsourced service provider with the appropriate skills and experience in a particular business function you need help with.

Companies incorporated in Singapore must process payroll, file GST, comply with corporate tax reporting regulations, submit annual reports to ACRA and IRAS, and maintain monthly financial records. 

With so many backend tasks to juggle, there is a chance that your company can mess up. It is why most small businesses in Singapore look to experienced business service providers for help to ensure everything is in order.

Here are some other advantages of outsourcing:

      • Access to experts who are knowledgeable with IRAS and ACRA regulations

    Professionals working for service providers like Lanturn can keep customers informed and compliant with shifting legal requirements.

        • Improved use of existing resources 

      Businesses can free up time and money to devote to their core business activities by outsourcing less important company operations.

          • Strengthen risk management

        Hiring specialised staff to handle marketing or promotions if your organisation is launching a new product or service enables you to lower risk and frees time for other crucial business functions.

        Easy Channels To Advertise Hiring

        It can be difficult to hire as a small business in Singapore with little to no brand exposure. With so many attractive offers from bigger companies, how can small businesses try and stand out? The internet.

        With more and more jobs listed online rather than in newspapers or on television, going online to look for your next employee is an excellent small business hiring tip that some business owners still tend to not take full advantage of. This channel is excellent because of how quick and relatively cost-free it is to get a job ad out to attract potential hires. Currently, there are 5.07 billion internet users worldwide. Within this incredible number are experienced job-seekers actively searching for new career prospects.

        Hiring Platforms and Websites

        But which platform should you use to post your job advertisements when there are so many options? These websites are some of the best to use if you’re looking for qualified personnel, whether you’re looking for skilled individuals or freelancers to hire:


        It is an online network for professionals to connect to find work, employ staff, and even meet investors. Employers can find candidates proactively by checking out their profiles and inviting them.


        It is a worldwide job board with an extensive network of regional offices across several nations. Additionally, the website cross-posts your job advertisements to other job posting websites like JobCentral, JobStreet, and other social media networks.

        Indeed Singapore

        This job site is a component of the worldwide search engine Indeed. Employers can sponsor job advertisements by paying per click or publish free employment ads. Individuals can upload their resumes online for employers to evaluate.


        It is the most extensive professional network on the world wide web. It is a social networking website that resembles Facebook in some way but emphasises on providing people with a glimpse into your business life rather than your personal one. The website also features job postings that users may freely share on their accounts to increase exposure.

        Gumtree Singapore

        This is Gumtree’s Singaporean equivalent, a well-known online marketplace for classified ads in the UK. For those seeking temporary opportunities, entry-level positions, and administrative jobs, this website is perfect.

        Launch with Lanturn

        If you are an aspiring entrepreneur considering starting a small business in Singapore, you may be interested in our Launch with Lanturn Programme. Business owners eligible for the programme can obtain reasonably priced business incorporation services paired with a one-year company secretary service in Singapore. Visit our website’s Launch with Lanturn page to learn more about the programme.

        Lanturn is ready to serve you as a reputable fund and corporate services provider. We can take care of your payroll, tax, compliance, and accounting needs if you need extra help managing your company’s day-to-day operations.

        Talk with our experts today to learn more about Lanturn’s services!

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